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Schengen Visa - Sweden visit friend , family  maximum 90 days

Service Fee 12,500 THB 

Price includes : 

  • Visa fee

  • Travel insurance 

  • Translation fee for Thai into English max 2 pages extra page charge 350 THB per page 

  • Supporting / Relevant documents for your visa application

  • Escort to submit visa

  • Follow up on a visa application

Payment : 

  • 50% deposit and 50 % when submitting visa application  

  • Non-Refundable 

Remark : ​​

  • ​Your visa application will be processed and decided by the Embassy .  The decision to issue or refuse a visa is made solely by the Embassy . VISABKK have no influence over that process.

  1. Schengen Visa Application Form – must be completed and signed by the applicant

  2. One color photo (45mm x 35mm) – with white background and not older than 6 months. Edited photos are not accepted

  3. Original passport – valid for 3 months after departure from the Schengen country and must have at least 2 unused pages.  If your visa is approved, the visa will be affixed on the available page(s). A copy of your passport must be attached to your application

  4. Previous passports and past visa stamps to the Schengen countries (if any) – a copy of your previous passport(s) must be attached to your application

  5. Application fee 

  6. Original Certificate of Employment or equivalent (if applicable)– stating position, length of employment, salary, and statement from the employer that the applicant is granted leave

  7. Self Employed (if applicable) – present a copy of your company registration/certificate from DBD or stakeholder and proof of annual income

  8. Student (if applicable) – certification of enrolment from school. If applicant is travelling during a school holiday, a certificate of enrolment is to be submitted to prove that the applicant is enrolled for the next school year/semester

  9. Proof of sufficient funds for the entire visit (if applicable) – copy of bank book or bank statement for the past 3 months. This is optional if the reference person has stated that all expenses are covered by him/her.  Sweden requires you to have SEK 450 per day per person.

  10. Copy of Divorce Certificate (if applicable)

  11. Copy of Paid Travel Medical Insurance – should be valid for all Schengen states and cover the entire period of your intended stay or transit.  It should cover the cost of emergency treatment and transport home from medical reasons. The minimum coverage shall be EUR 30,000.

  12. Completed questionnaire –Visit boyfriend/girlfriend/friend

  13. Documentation from the reference person (must not be older than 3 months)

  • Original Appendix E (form 241011)– must be in original and completed by the reference person

  • Copy of the reference person’s Personbevis – civic registration from the Swedish Tax Agency

  • Copy passport of the reference person– together with copies of pages with entry/exit stamps to Thailand

  • Copy of passport or recent Residence Permit in Sweden of the reference person (if applicable)

  • Proof of sufficient funds for the applicant’s entire visit (if applicable) – if the reference person is supporting you during your stay, documentation showing sufficient funds must be provided (for example pay silp, pension statement or statement of account for the past 3 months, etc.)

  • Proof of contact between the applicant and the reference person – documents showing that you have met in person and have regular contact (e.g. photographs, text messages, telephone bills, Skype messages, etc.) Please note that these documents also need to be submitted if you have married the reference person during the last six months.

14. Minor under the age of 18 (please refer to further information under Important advisory)

  • Copy of the Birth Certificate of the child

  • Proof of Custody– if the applicant is under the sole custody of one parent only, letter showing custody is required. The document needs to be in original and issued by the legal Thai authorities. 

  • An original letter of consent, if the child is traveling alone. The letter has to be signed by both parents or the custodians and it must be submitted together with copies of valid ID cards/passports of both parents or the custodian

  • Letter from school showing that the child can be absent for the requested period

  • Copy of the Death Certificate (if applicable) – if other parent has deceased

  • Note: Applicant can be asked for additional documents or may be called for an interview if deemed necessary by the Embassy. The Visa fee, according to Schengen regulations, is non-refundable. Thai documentation shall be accompanied by a translation from an authorized translation bureau.

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